My 3 Day Refresh
I decided to do a 3 Day Refresh before starting my new challenge Insanity: The Asylum.
Also right after I finished my previous challenge Focus T25, I decided to go drinking with couple of friends and ate some greasy food. Heck, I'm human. So I wanted to have a clean break and that's what 3 day Refresh does for you.
The good thing about 3 day refresh is that it will get you back to eating healthy and does a nice cleanse to your body. Many people do this every so often. In my case, it was my first time.
I wasn't doing it for weight loss, but many do it for that reason because it does help them increase energy, and feel like a brand new person.
I did achieve more energy after completing my 3 Day Refresh, I felt like myself again, I felt happy, confident and healthy again. I was very happy that this program was very structure and it told me exactly what to eat, drink, and how to do it. I was very impressed how I felt after my third day.
If you've ever done a juice fast or an all-liquid cleanse that's high in sugars and low in protein, you may have found that you felt weak and sluggish. And any weight loss came right back. That's because liquid fasts can tax your organs, and crater your metabolism.
The 3-Day Refresh is scientifically designed to do just the opposite. It detoxifies and cleanses, while supporting your metabolism with easy-to-prepare, nutritious whole food to help your vital organs reenergize. That's why you feel so good when you do the Refresh, and still lose weight at the same time! Your body functions more efficiently, and it helps burn fat
Instead of leaving you depleted from fasting, after 3 days you feel energized, lighter, REFRESHED!
This is my personal First day example of 3 day Refresh.
It started with a Frozen strawberry vegan Shakeology for breakfast.
I have to add that Shakeology has changed my life in health, not only is healthy, but it gives me tons of energy and I don't crave CHOCOLATE anymore.....
Then a hour later I had a Organic green tea. I didn't add any flavoring, you can add stevia. I like my plain.
A hour after that I had Fiber Sweep with Ice water. I have to admit, it didn't taste the best, but I know that I am doing this to benefit in the long run.
the manual is very structure and tells you exactly what to do.
After another hour from Drinking Fiber sweep it was Lunch time!
I had a Vanilla Fresh Shake which has 20g of plant protein, probiotics and 22 essential vitamins and minerals! You aren’t missing nutrients here! and baby carrots with Humus.
After a hour from Lunch it was time to already have a after noon snack. I had a Rome tomato with Cilantro.
After a hour from that I had another tea. The manual tells you exactly what to do, so it was so easy to stick to this plan. It is recommended to do it Friday to Sunday that way you start fresh on Monday.
After a hour from my afternoon tea, I had DINNER. Dinner was a mixture of Veggies with Coconut oil and sea salt. And a Vanilla Fresh Shake.
The 3 day Refresh was one by far the best cleanse I have done. And I have done many in my past. to a water cleansing, a juice cleansing. And with this one I never felt hunger or deprived.
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