Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Who is Gabby?

Who is Gabby? 
A little story about myself.  I always struggled with weight since I was 8 years old.  When I was 14 years old I weighed in 196lbs.  and for a 5'5 girl that was considered obese.

I really at no point thought I was overweight.  I was comfortable.  Until of course you have people make fun of you.  Mean boys telling you that you can't do it.  Popular girls make comment when you pass by them on the hallway. Or being rejected by boys because you were too BIG!
Tired of feeling tired. CONTACT ME

I felt heart broken. Every night I would cry.  I was dealing with a lot.  My dad moved out. My parents got a divorce.  I was hurting from the inside.  Food was my comfort.  I would hide boxes of little debbies in my room or overload on my plates.

My mom (my angel) accepted me how I was, but she also didn't mind if I ate a extra plate of pasta or double on my dessert. She wanted to make me happy :)
But in reality I was depressed and crying for help. In my sophomore year something clicked.  I always loved sports. Always loved basketball, tennis, swimming, etc...but never liked running.
My PE teacher taught Aerobics and made us run on the track.  I loved the Aerobic part, the running not so much.  
But I would run a lap and she will cheer me on and so on and so on.  I ran 2 miles on the track and did not stop once.  I ran it like a Turtle but did not stop.  WHY?
My teacher believed in me.  She kept cheering me on to complete it.  She was proud!

I started to be obsessed with running.  I would wake up at 4am and run, get ready for school and got home and run more.  WHY I was obsessed? RESULTS and because it was therapy. It was a way for me to run from my problems at that point.

Years went by and  I dealt with a lot in my life. Bad relationships.  Rejections. Bad choices in career. Self doubt.
Now at 31 years old I feel that  I have changed so much. Not only physically but more mentally.  What I mean mentally is that all those people that have tried to put me down, does not bother me anymore.  I have grown within.   I am a better person inside and out. 

Because of my two kids.  They needed a role model.  I am pretty much alone on this.  My relationships with their fathers weren't good, my mom passed away.  They have me to look up to.  So I WOMAN UP.

I became a Beach body Coach in March and I decided that my health is the most important thing to me. After high school I became a Alcoholic and a Cigarette smoker.  I still get Urges, but I think about my kids, plus is it worth it?
Last year in April I found a new addiction.  Obstacle Course Racing.  OMG! If you have not done one I encourage you.  You get a great feeling of accomplishment once you do one.  My journey really started there and later doing FOCUS T25 and drinking shakeology.

Because I am way stronger and faster than I was last year. 

Now even though sometimes I get FEARS because they will always be there, I have grown within as a person to learn to Face my Fears.


Monday, November 9, 2015

Tampa Savage Race


This was my first Savage Race ever and I have to say it was very challenging.  I was very impressed with my results because this was the first time I wanted to time myself and I end up being 18th place overall out of 2459 females. 

I became passion on OCR last year in April and I try to sign up as many as I can.

I remember how it started on the Start line. They were getting us pumped by shouting out loud, singing, dancing and smoke coming out of the floor. I even end up going up on body surfing (wish there was a picture on that).  I also had some Energize Beachbody Performance to let me keep this momentum throughout the race. I was READY!!

Then I heard GO! and boom we all went running.  I was in the front of my wave with two other girls close to me.  I kept a eye on them. We got closer to our first obstacle SHRIVELED RICHARD and it was Freezing, but I did not stop and pushed myself through. After that was a long run in the course. I can feel my shoes wet, my short soaking and my hair on my face. 

I lost sight of the girls so I just kept going.  When I got to SAWTOOTH I was amazed that this was my first time conquering the obstacle. I give it to my Insanity: The Asylum for getting me ready for Savage. As I finished Sawtooth the whole time I am doing a Happy dance in my mind.
And then PIPE DREAM came next. A obstacle with two slippery pipes that is hard to grip. And guess WHAT?     I NAILED IT!

At that point my speed got faster because I had this excitement in me and I was passing people from left to right. From the previous wave. 
And then I got to THE GREAT WALL. Ha! I have so much work to do on upper body. P90X3 will get me there for sure. I was jumping, pulling, using legs and finally I got over. I was nailing Obstacle after obstacle.
Upper body strength

Then there was TEETER TUBER.  This obstacle was such a struggle. Is a seesaw tube that have no where to grab or pull you through. It is slippery and a very tight space. I end up using my elbows and using my legs. Took me a while and took a lot of Energy but I made it through.
After that one came the newest obstacle WHEEL WORLD. 

OMG! It looks so easy, but if you dont have the right technique and rhythm you will fail. I have to admit I end up at the bottom of the pool.  My wheels weren't spinning, but the bottom of it all it was a fun course and I was very PROUD of myself.
I got to meet great Athletes.  I got to see my Beachbody(Get a FREE Membership)  friends.   My son too got to race. The music was great.
I know my performance was much better due to Beachbody Performance and Asylum. I know one day I will make the TOP 3.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

My 3 Day Refresh

My 3 Day Refresh

I decided to do a 3 Day Refresh before starting my new challenge Insanity: The Asylum. 
Also right after I finished my previous challenge Focus T25, I decided to go drinking with couple of friends and ate some greasy food. Heck, I'm human.  So I wanted to have a clean break and that's what 3 day Refresh does for you. 
The good thing about 3 day refresh is that it will get you back to eating healthy and does a nice cleanse to your body.  Many people do this every so often. In my case, it was my first time.
I wasn't doing it for weight loss, but many do it for that reason because it does help them increase energy, and feel like a brand new person.
I did achieve more energy after completing my 3 Day Refresh, I felt like myself again, I felt happy, confident and healthy again.  I was very happy that this program was very structure and it told me exactly what to eat, drink, and how to do it.  I was very impressed how I felt after my third day.
If you've ever done a juice fast or an all-liquid cleanse that's high in sugars and low in protein, you may have found that you felt weak and sluggish. And any weight loss came right back. That's because liquid fasts can tax your organs, and crater your metabolism.
The 3-Day Refresh is scientifically designed to do just the opposite. It detoxifies and cleanses, while supporting your metabolism with easy-to-prepare, nutritious whole food to help your vital organs reenergize. That's why you feel so good when you do the Refresh, and still lose weight at the same time! Your body functions more efficiently, and it helps burn fat
Instead of leaving you depleted from fasting, after 3 days you feel energized, lighter, REFRESHED!
This is my personal First day example of 3 day Refresh.
It started with a Frozen strawberry vegan Shakeology for breakfast.
I have to add that Shakeology has changed my life in health, not only is healthy, but it gives me tons of energy and I don't crave CHOCOLATE anymore.....
Then a hour later I had a Organic green tea. I didn't add any flavoring, you can add stevia. I like my plain.
A hour after that I had Fiber Sweep with Ice water. I have to admit, it didn't taste the best, but I know that I am doing this to benefit in the long run.
the manual is very structure and tells you exactly what to do.
 After another hour from Drinking Fiber sweep it was Lunch time!
I had a Vanilla Fresh Shake which has 20g of plant protein, probiotics and 22 essential vitamins and minerals! You aren’t missing nutrients here! and baby carrots with Humus.
After a hour from Lunch it was time to already have a after noon snack. I had a Rome tomato with Cilantro.
After a hour from that I had another tea. The manual tells you exactly what to do, so it was so easy to stick to this plan.  It is recommended to do it Friday to Sunday that way you start fresh on Monday.
After a hour from my afternoon tea, I had DINNER. Dinner was a mixture of Veggies with Coconut oil and sea salt. And a Vanilla Fresh Shake. 
 The 3 day Refresh was one by far the best cleanse I have done. And I have done many in my past. to a water cleansing, a juice cleansing. And with this one I never felt hunger or deprived.

If you are interested in this amazing kickstart. Contact me, and I would love to get you started. Or if you would like me to be your free coach to get you started Click here!

<a href="" _fcksavedurl="">
        <img src="" _fcksavedurl="" width="125" height="125" border="0" alt="3 DAY REFRESH LOSE WEIGHT AND FEEL GREAT!">

Thursday, April 30, 2015

How To Make Shakeology Taste Better

How To Make Shakeology Taste Better
 How to Make Shakeology Taste Better

Firstly, I would like to start this post by letting my readers know that I absolutely love Shakeology, but there are plentiful ways to make this premium superfoods shake taste even better. This post is also for people who have tried Shakeology in the past, and for some reason did not enjoy the taste.

Before we begin, I would like to say that for some people, Shakeology may have to grow on you. If you are not keen on healthy eating, and you are fairly new to eating clean, you may find Shakeology to be different to your taste palate. There is nothing wrong with this. Sometimes it may take some time for your body to adjust to healthier ingredients, and that is absolutely normal. Rome was not built in a day! I have to admit that before I started my fitness journey, I consumed junk and processed foods for years, but fortunately my body accepted Shakeology almost immediately, and that's maybe because I used one of the following ways to "make Shakeology taste better". If you are allergic to some ingredients, please make sure to consult your physician before consuming Shakeology. There are different Shakeology flavors, and each flavor has different ingredients. You can get the ingredient and nutrition facts here:

- Chocolate Shakeology Nutrition Facts
- Vanilla Shakeology Nutrition Facts
- Strawberry Shakeology Nutrition Facts
- Greenberry Shakeology Nutrition Facts
- Chocolate Vegan Shakeology Nutrition Facts
I hope this post may help some of you who are going through this dilemma with Shakeology. Just remember, Shakeology was formulated to help you with your health and nutrition goals. It's not for everyone, but you never know unless you try it. It may change your life, like it has for me and hundreds of other people.

How to Make Shakeology Taste Better:

1. GET THE SHAKEOLOGY SAMPLER - It all begins with choosing the flavor that you like best. It is not wise to try Shakeology with a flavor that you do not enjoy, so if you've never tried Shakeology before, and you do not want to purchase a whole month supply just yet, then getting the Shakeology Sampler Pack would be your best option. Simple try the different flavors in the sampler pack, and choose which you like best. Once you find your favorite flavor, you can then purchase a month supply knowing that it is something that you absolutely love. Get the Sampler Pack here!

2.  USE A BLENDER - One of the most common mistakes that new Shakeology drinkers do is they fail to not use a blender, especially when trying Shakeology for the very first time. Granted that using a blender is not required, but it does make Shakeology taste better. There's a huge difference between just shaking it up in a blender bottle or stirring it with a spoon, blending is the way to go! There are over 70+ superfoods in Shakeology, so making sure that everything is blended and mixed together properly is key to successful Shakeology tasting. When I am on the go, I find myself just using the shaker cup, and although it doesn't taste as good, I'm "ok" with it just as long as I am getting the benefits.

3.  USE A RECIPE - Shakeology is very versatile. Although you do not need a recipe to enjoy the benefits of Shakeology, it does make it taste so much better. If you are trying Shakeology for the first time, it is highly recommended that you use a recipe. With hundreds of recipes out there, it is very difficult to get tired of drinking Shakeology. There are low calorie to high calorie recipes all depending on what your daily caloric intake is. I recommend trying as many recipes as you can until you find about 3-5 that you really enjoy. Yes, this may take some time, but I promise you that it will be worth it. I've found about 5 delicious recipes that I really like, but I always go back to my original favorite which is Chocolate Shakeology (vegan or regular) with Peanut Butter, Banana, and Unsweetened Almond Milk, blended with Ice. If I use it as a main meal, I may add a little more protein powder depending on my workout and activities of the day. I prefer using Optimum Nutrition or Vega Sport Protein Powder with my Shakeology. And PB2 (low fat powdered peanut butter) blends so well with Shakeology =)

4.  ALMOND MILK - I really love Almond Milk! But you could use other alternatives such as rice milk, hemp milk, cashew milk, dairy milk, or coconut milk. If you are watching your caloric intake, most of these alternatives also have unsweetened, low fat and low sugar content varieties. I have found that using these alternatives rather than using water makes Shakeology taste so much better. It gives it more flavor and gives it a creamier texture. Yup, acts like a salad, but tastes like a dessert!

5.  USE HALF SERVING - For some people, a whole serving of Shakeology is too much for them. So another way to customize Shakeology to fill your demands is to use only half or 3/4 of a serving. Remember, it's all about finding what's best for you. Shakeology is very versatile, and can be customized to suit your taste buds, you just have to experiment with it.

6.  GIVE IT TIME - As I mentioned before, if your body is not used to eating clean whole foods, then your body may need some time to adjust to Shakeology. Healthy eating does not happen overnight, so give it some time to take in the superfoods. It doesn't taste like a cheeseburger for a reason, because it isn't =). It may take a month or more to get used to Shakeology as it detoxifies your body.

And that's about it! If you are currently drink Shakeology, and you can assist other tips with this post, please feel free to comment below to help others benefit from this amazing superfoods shake.

The Shakeology Breakthrough - Watch Video!

Buy Shakeology Now - Click Here!

Try Shakeology Risk-Free - 100% Money Back Guarantee
How to Make Shakeology Taste Better

Becoming a Beach Body Coach

Becoming a Beach Body Coach
I always been a very hard working Person.  I started to work since I was eight selling candy bars to kids that I would buy with my own money.  I was always ambitious of what I want to become in life.  A lot of times things happen in our lives that makes us for who we are.  I had recently lost my mother, I'm was not happy with my current job, I was not making enough money to pay my debt.  I barely had money to pay daycare, afterschool and rent. 
All of these made me know that I was not going to stay where I was, so I decided to become a Beach Body Coach.  I love working out, I used to be over weight and I want to help people to loose weight and well I'm good motivating others.
It's been the best decision I made.  Yes, it was not going to be easy. Yes, I needed to make time for it.  Yes, I know I could do it because I had Dreams!  And why? For my family.  For my two beautiful kids that need a mother to have more time for them. To also show them the healthy fitness way too. I decided to do this for them and for me.  To be my own boss, to enjoy life more.
 Why become a Beach Body Coach?

*You can help others reach their goals
*Meet other people
*Can allow you to be with your kids
*You are your own boss
*You can be either Full time Coach or Hobby Coach
*Get discount on the products
*Confidence to be a Leader
* Flexible hours
*Earn income
*You can travel more
*Continually Learning
If you have questions Email me

And if you are interested joining my Team as a Beach Body Coach you will be introduced to a Great team where we all support each other and are a big FAMILY.  And I  also guide you with any question to help you become Successful!
If you really want to help others with their fitness goal and make money while doing it. Join our Team Coaches!
Become a Coach
Earn Income while sharing stories!
Better yourself!
Be your own Boss!
Make your Dreams come True!
Help others!
Do something with your life!

If you have any question Email Me
Follow me on Facebook
If you just want to check it out first and have a free Beach Body Membership and me as your free coach Click Here

Thank you,
Coach Gabby

Friday, April 3, 2015

The Person I Am Today


I was always picked on when I was a little girl.  I had either big hair or I was over weight.  My self esteem when I was entering High School wasn't the best.  I weighted 191 lbs and I didn't like my life very much.  I was even once called into the counselor office because I wrote a alarm calling letter.
But I decided that I can't live like this, I need to change.  And really it started in tenth grade when my P.E. teacher taught Aerobics and also made us run on the track.  I HATED RUNNING.....but she was a very encouraging teacher.  She would push us.  Not in a bad way, but how a coach would.
I started to drop my weight, I was still eating bad, but my P.E. Teacher would tell us to NOT STOP, KEEP GOING...
And I was sooo Proud of my self that I actually completed a mile without stopping. I ran/jog the whole mile.  It took me 13 minutes or more, but I never stopped.  That's when it clicked on me.  I need to push myself to loose this weight.
It became a obsession though.  I started loosing weight and I started to run everyday twice a day.  It got really bad that I had to weight myself everyday and I portioned controlled to the MAX.  I got down to 110 lbs.  I was Bulimic!!! I started to eat and I had to find a way to burn it off.  Bulimic doesn't necessary mean you purge your food out, it can mean that you exercise to extremely trying to burn off the calories of the food you just binged. 
Then I had a wake up call.  One day training for JROTC Summer Camp.  When I fainted and I was feeling really cold in 98 degree weather.  I started to eat some what normal and exercise some what normal.  I went up to 130 lbs.  That's a normal weight for a 5'5 girl Right?
I was still not happy with myself.  I had too much self esteem damaged. 
Is when I hit the lat 20s that I started to feel comfortable with myself.  After I had two beautiful children.  My son Eddie, he loves to talk, he is a character and he is only six years old.
My daughter is two.  She is my baby girl.  She loves to sing and she makes me smile all the time.  Both of my kids are the reason why I am the person I am today.  I decided I needed to learn to eat healthier, work out better for I can be there for them more and they can learn a healthier life style.
I was offered to be a Beach Body coach by one of my good friend.  And you know what, I turned her down.  At that time I was thinking I don't have the money for that and it's a waste of my time.  Oh Boy was I wrong.  After couple years I watched other coaches and saw what a great impact gave them to their lives.  And I wanted that. I want Freedom to be there for my kids.  My job does not permit it, because I have to work every weekend and sometimes leave work when my children are a sleep.  I decided that since I love to exercise and I like to brag about my progress that I should give it a try.  And you know what, I LOVE IT.
Who wouldn't? I love to transform my life.  Get a better and fitter body.  I also got a great Team of Coaches that we connect so well.  I love to help others also with their health and share tips.  Encourage them just like my coach in tenth grade of high school.  Believe that we can do it together.  Eat healthier, drink a amazing shake called Shakeology that is a Super food shake full of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidant, and so much more.  A shake proven to HELP in losing weight, lower cholesterol, and reduce blood sugar levels.  It's the healthiest meal of my day.